

Migrant labourer from UP killed by terrorists in Jammu and Kashmir

The migrant labourer identified a Mukesh from Uttar Pradesh was shot dead by terrorists in Pulwama.

Migrant labourer from UP killed by terrorists in Jammu and Kashmir

Representation image Kashmir encounter (Photo:ANI)

A migrant labourer from Uttar Pradesh was shot dead by terrorists in Jammu and Kashmir’s Pulwama, Kashmir South Zone Police said on Monday.

The migrant labourer, indetified as Mukesh, was shot at by terrorists in Tumchi Nowpora area of Pulwama. He later succumbed to injuries during the treatment.

According to Kashmir Police, the deceased labourer hailed from Uttar Pradesh. The incident highlighted the major security concern in the Valley for migrant labourers.


Security forces have cordoned off the area following the killing of the migrant labourer.

The incident comes hours after security forces said they have gunned down a terrorist while trying to infiltrate into the Indian side of the LoC.

This is not the first time terrorists have targetted a migrant labourer. In July this year, a total of five non-local labourers were attacked by terrorists in two separate incidents.

The incidents of terrorist attacks on non-locals have seen a rise in Kashmir after the abrogation of Article370 in 2019. In 2022 alone, more than 10 migrant labourers were attacked by terrorists.
